1) HD brows eyebrow kit
I actually received this in a Glossybox and I’m so glad I did! My eyebrows are naturally a dark blonde colour but go even lighter in the summer, and this product is just perfect for adding a little bit of definition and colour. The palette I have is called ‘bombshell’ and it comes with four separate colours ranging from nude (very light blonde), carbon (black), medium blonde to ash blonde and a two ended brush applicator (one straight, one slanted). The consistency of the colours is like a very matt eyeshadow and I tend to stipple the product onto my eyebrows to create a better shape and give a slightly darker colour. I use this everyday, and wouldn’t use anything else.
2) Max Factor Lasting Performance Foundation
I’ve stuck to this foundation for about the past two years. Firstly because their definition of fair is actually fair, (I have bought sooo many foundations that say they are fair, and end up looking like I have gravy on my face!) and secondly because it lasts all day. Please let me know if you know of any other good foundations for fair skin, I’m always on the look out!
3) Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat
Best product ever for my dark circles. I have quite stubborn ones and this is the only thing that touches them. It really illuminates the eye area and I also use it to add definiton to my brow bone, nose and cupid’s bow. It is kinda expensive at £25 but I wouldn’t chose any other!