Hi beauts!
I've finally got round to doing the Versatile Blogger Award which I was awarded to by the lovely Laura from Pale Girl Reviews. Thanks for choosing me sweetie!
The rules for this award are as follows;
- Thank the blogger who awarded you.
- Share 7 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 7 fellow bloggers.
- Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been awarded.
- Add the Versatile Blogger badge to your blog.
Here goes:
1) I played the clarinet when I was younger and got up to grade 5.
2) I'm an only child.
3) I was seriously obsessed with Colin Firth when I was growing up (Pride & Prejudice time, so I was around 6) and I had a scrapbook that I filled with lots of magazine and newspaper cut-outs of him. Called the 'Colin scrapbook'.
4) I've made it my aim recently to try and read more classic books. My favourite so far has been Dracula.
5) I'm English, Irish & French on my Dad's side and English, Scottish, Spanish & Italian on my Mum's although some of it's quite far back.
6)I was born with very dark brown curly hair, which all fell out and came back bleach blonde and straight, it got gradually darker and wavier in my teens and is now blonde again!
7) I'm a real animal lover and have a rabbit and cat. My new love is micro pigs, I think they are the cutest things!
I'm going to do this slightly differently and tag everyone who would like to share! I'd love it read your random facts!
Kelly x